Liquid funds

Liquid/overnight funds vs other debt funds

In May 2023, the debt mutual fund industry in India witnessed a net inflow of ₹45,959 crore; indicating an inclination among Indian investors to explore and benefit from debt mutual fund categories. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has categorised debt funds into sixteen distinct categories each adhering to a specific need of…

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Prior To Starting A Food Business, FSSAI Approval Is Required

FSSAI participation is a significant association that ensures the assurance of food varieties provided or artificially produced through different establishments in India. The Department of Health Guidelines (FSSAI) of India is a food handling organization and is primarily controlled by the Food Handling Standards Act of 2006, which is commanded prior to beginning a food…

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offfice chair 3


The workplace chair was decisively intended to expand the efficiency of administrative representatives by making it feasible for them to stay sitting in their work areas for significant periods. Like present-day chairs, a significant number of these models were fairly movable to give the greatest solace and in this way the most extreme working time….

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