Marks Required to Score 99 Percentile in CAT Mock Test

Marks Required to Score 99 Percentile in CAT Mock Test

The Common Admission Test (CAT) is a national-level MBA entrance exam in India. IIMs (Indian Institute of Management) conduct this exam annually on a rotational basis to initiate the shortlisting process for MBA admission in the top B-schools in India. In this article, BYJU’S experts have shared a detailed study on CAT mock marks vs actual exam marks, a comparison study for your reference.

The candidates who are planning to attempt the upcoming exam must appear for mock tests to check their preparation levels. Before that, it is important to know the concept of CAT Marks vs Percentile. You can also check previous years’ exam papers to get familiar with the exam pattern and the intricacies of the CAT exam. Additionally, ensure that your preparation is on track and covers all the aspects of the exam.

CAT Mock Test Percentile vs Actual Percentile

The main aim of taking the CAT mocks is to identify the gaps in the preparation process. Candidates must take these mock tests seriously; otherwise, the marks in the mock tests will not exactly mirror their performance in the actual exam.

Candidates must calculate their mock test percentile, which will help them understand their preparation level and thus score a good rank/percentile in the actual exam. 

Basically, the mock test helps candidates to understand the recent exam updates apart from their preparation level. Always set a benchmark to analyse your performance in the mock tests. Set a target and stay motivated to complete the syllabus on time. 

You can choose the area in which you are weak and strive to get stronger in it. Practise more on these topics, which will help you improve your score in the subsequent mock exam you take or the actual exam.

For example, if you score 99+ percentile in the mock test, then you can expect that you can score 99.5 percentile in the actual exam. One can break through the 98+ percentile barrier with a consistent 95+ percentile. Students who achieve 90-95 percentile on the mock exams are able to achieve 95 percentile and above on the actual test.

How Many Mocks Should You Attempt Before the Exam Date?

There is no fixed number of sample tests that you can attempt before the exam date. But the experts always recommended taking at least 30 mock tests prior to the exam. Complete the syllabus on time and try to start taking the CAT Mock Test from June onwards. Do not forget to analyse your performance after each and every sample test.

Additionally, candidates must keep track of their development through practice exams and create a database of the questions they typically struggle with. They should periodically review these questions to make sure they don’t continue to make the same errors on the test day.

By taking the CAT mock tests, students can become accustomed to the real exam, familiarise themselves with the format of the test, and improve time management skills for each segment. These tests will give you a better idea of what to expect on the real exam by getting familiar with all the important aspects of the CAT exam.

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