Symptoms And Causes Of Constant Sleepiness

Symptoms And Causes Of Constant Sleepiness

EDS is a condition where you feel constantly tired. EDS can be so common that up to 20% of adults experience it every week.

You must be tired or feel exhausted if you are constantly feeling tired. EDS can actually be seen every day for 20 percent of adults for three days.

Fatigue is a condition that causes a decrease in energy or physical function. It can be difficult to diagnose and treat because there are many reasons for it. Fatigue is a term that describes fatigue that doesn’t respond to the need to rest. It is a medical condition that needs treatment. A medical condition

Many people don’t believe that sleeping through the night can cause problems. The majority of the time, the situation is not. It’s possible to see your doctor if you are experiencing persistent insomnia and it is affecting your daily life.

This article discusses the possible symptoms and the treatment options (such as Modalert 200) for these conditions.

Signs that you are experiencing excessive sleepiness

A lack of sleep or fatigue can have a detrimental effect on your overall health. Poor sleep quality could lead to fatigue and not being able drive at night. This can cause an imbalance of hormones, weight gain, or discomfort.

Bad sleep can have a negative impact on your health. Here are some signs that your sleep quality is poor.

  • Impatience
  • Depression
  • Learning difficulties
  • Drool
  • Fatigue
  • Forgetfulness
  • A rise in carbohydrate cravings
  • Irritability
  • The desire to engage in sexual activities is declining
  • Motivation loss
  • Moodiness
  • Concentrating can be hard.
  • Gain in weight

There may be twelve reasons you feel tired.


It is possible to lose energy if you don’t eat as much as you should. Your body’s ability to absorb energy can be affected by prolonged periods without eating.

You should not skip meals. You should eat energy-boosting and healthy food between meals, especially if you feel tired. Healthy foods include peanut butter, wholegrain crackers, and dried fruits.

Sleep deprivation

Late night sleep can have a negative impact on your energy levels. Adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. You are at risk of becoming insufficient if you have a tendency to stay awake all night.

You can improve your sleep habits to increase your energy level and you can improve the quality of your sleep. It is important to sleep in a quiet, dark, and peaceful space. Avoid stimulating activities before you go to bed.

Your doctor may recommend that you seek professional help if you are unable to improve your sleeping habits through self-care. You may need to have a sleeping aid prescribed or do sleep research.

Being overweight

Being overweight can result in fatigue. Your body will require more effort to accomplish everyday tasks like washing dishes or taking steps.

Plan how to lose weight and increase your energy. Begin with something simple like walking or swimming and then increase the intensity as you go. You can also include whole grain fruits and vegetables in your diet. Reduce your intake of sugar, junk food, and other fat-laden foods.

An active lifestyle.

Your energy levels can be increased by exercising. Even though sitting for too long can be exhausting, it can make you feel tired.

Researchers previously studied the effects of sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise on fatigue in women. The study involved seventy-three women. While some women were active according to the guidelines, others were not.


Chronic stress can cause headaches, muscle tension, stomach problems, and fatigue.

Your body goes into “fight or flight” mode when you are under stress. Cortisol and adrenaline levels are both increased by the body. This allows your body face these situations. It’s safe in small amounts. Continuous stress can cause exhaustion.

Your body’s energy levels will be improved if you can manage stress. Set limits and realistic goals. Then modify your thinking habits. Meditation and deep breathing will help you remain calm in stressful situations.


Talk to your doctor if you are depressed.

Your doctor may recommend an antidepressant or another medication to help with anxiety. Psychological counseling is also available. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one type of therapy that can help you reverse negative beliefs that cause depression and mood swings.

Sleep disorders

Fatigue can be caused by a variety of sleep disorders. Consult your doctor if your energy levels don’t rise after a few weeks or after you make the necessary lifestyle changes. You may need to visit a sleep specialist.

Fatigue can lead to sleep disorders like sleep apnea. When your breathing stops during sleep, you call it sleep apnea. This means that both your brain and your body don’t receive enough oxygen while you sleep. This can cause fatigue throughout the day.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can lead to high blood pressure, attention problems, stroke, and even death. A CPAP machine, or an oral appliance can be used to treat sleep apnea. This device can be used to maintain your airways open while you sleep.


Most cases of excessive sleepiness can usually be resolved by making lifestyle changes and/or using medication for awakefulness (Waklert 150mg or Artvigil 150mg). These medications are prescribed by your doctor after analyzing your medical history. Talk to your doctor if you feel tired despite trying to manage your fatigue on your behalf. Your doctor may need to treat you for a possible insomnia disorder.

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